Arbutus andrachne


Arbutus andrachne


Sandal ağacı
Similar to A. unedo, but bark red and coming off in large patches; glandular hairs on stem often inconspicuous; leaves ± spreading; petioles at least 1 cm; lamina broadly ovate, less than 2 x as long as broad, glaucous beneath, margin usually entire; inflorescence a ± erect panicle with 6-10 branches; pedicels to 9 mm, with glandular hairs; ovary often pubescent; fruit orange, papillae flattened horizontally, rather obscure. Fl. 3-5. Macchie, Pinus brutia forest, on igneous, serpentine and limestone substrata, s.l.-800 m.
E. Mediterranean area to Crimea and Sochi , Cyprus, W. Syria and Lebanon, with an outlier in N. Iraq.
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