Carex riparia


Carex riparia


Ssp riparia: Yılan sazotu
Rhizomes creeping, shoots tufted. Stems 60-140 cm, rough; basal sheaths persistent, often tinged red, with distinct small transverse septa at base. Leaves to 15 mm broad, equalling stems or often longer, flat or plicate, usually sharply keeled, glaucous, often almost whitish beneath. Male spikes 3-6, terminal often very thick, upper somewhat aggregated; glumes blackish-brown, acuminate. Female spikes 2-5, cylindrical, 30-100 mm, dense, upper erect, lowest pedunculate and sometimes pendent. Female glumes longer than utricles, purplish-brown. Utricles nut-brown, ovoid, 5-8 mm, somewhat shining, with slender, distinct veins, gradually tapering into short, bifid beak with short, only slightly diverging points. By slow-flowing rivers, lakes, streams, ditches, canals, swamps and marshes, often forming large dense stands, s.l.-1950 m.
Algeria, throughout Europe , C. & S. Russia, S. Siberia, W. Syria, Caucasia, N. & N.W. Iran, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan. EuroSib. element. 
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