Convolvulus stachydifolius
Convolvulus stachydifolius
Prostrate retrorsely pubescent perennial with usually unbranched stems to c. 60 cm. Leaves petiolate, ovate-oblong to broadly ovate, cordate at base, obtuse to acuminate at apex, margin crenate to bluntly dentate. Flowers axillary in 2-9-flowered cymes. Outer sepals obovate and obtuse or elongate-oblong and bluntly acute, sparsely pubescent, membranous-margined. Corolla pink to pinkish-purple, 25-32 mm. Ovary ± glabrous. Fl. 4-6. Cornfields, calcareous vineyards, fallow fields, 230-1000 m.
W. Syria, N. lraq, N. W. Iran, Khorassan. Ir.-Tur. element.