Sisymbrium septulatum

Sisymbrium septulatum

 Harran bülbülotu

Annual 20-50 cm, simple or much branched, glabrous or with spreading hairs below and pilose above. Basal leaves rosette-forming, deeply pinnatipartite with 5-7 pairs of often recurved lobes, clearly petiolate. Uppermost cauline leaves shortly pinnatisect with linear segments. Petals 10-14 x 5-7 mm. Fruiting pedicels 3-5 mm, spreading or obliquely erect. Siliquae 2-8 cm x 1-2,5 mm straight, held at same angle as pedicels; valves glabrous, thick walled, obscurely 3-nerved; style 3-5 mm. Fl. 3-5. Fallow fields, cultivated places, 300-1750 m.
S.W. & C. Asia.
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