Noccaea violascens

Noccaea violascens

 Mor kuşbaşıotu

Glaucescent annual, c. 20 cm, single or several-stemmed, often tinged purple at base, unbranched. Basal leaves rosette-forming, oblong-spathulate, petiolate, entire or crenate. Cauline leaves ovate-oblong, entire or toothed, auriculate. Petals 3-3,5 x1 mm, scarcely exceeding the violet sepals. Inflorescence much elongating in fruit. Siliculae obtriangular, 7-10 x 5-7 mm, long-cuneate at base, tips of wings rounded, sinus narrow, stigma not exceeding the sinus; septum 6-7 mm x 2 mm. Seeds 4 in each loculus: Fl. 4-5. Slopes and screes, 900-1800 m.
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