Hesperis hamzaoglui

Hesperis hamzaoglui

Perennial herb; roots thickened, 3–8 mm diam.; stem ± erect, 13–20 cm, sometimes purplish below, solitary or rarely 2 to 6, mostly branched with flowering part ± terete, smooth, 2–5 mm diam. below, pubescent with densely stalked glandular hairs, 0.2–0.3 mm, rarely a few long simple hairs 1.6–2 mm above. Leaves crowded especially on lower stems, these ± swollen, closely overlapping; basal leaves narrowly spatulate to oblanceolate, 3–6 x 0.5–1.2 cm , irregularly dentate to denticulate, petiole 1–2 cm, lamina of radical leaves attenuate into basal petiole, obtuse or ± acute, all with main midrib ± conspicuous, with indumentum of mostly stalked glandular hairs or a few long simple hairs, rarely a few bifurcate hairs; cauline leaves of similar size at midstem, or acropetally decreasing, indumentum similar to basal leaves, narrowly oblong to oblanceolate, short petiolate or subsessile, attenuate into petiole, remotely ± denticulate or entire, obtuse or subacute; upper cauline leaves narrowly oblong, oblanceolate, or lanceolate, sessile, subentire or minutely denticulate, ± acute to acuminate. Inflorescence a raceme, branches ±erect, 6–13 x 3–10 cm; pedicels ascending, slender, 4–15 mm at anthesis, elongating to 22 mm in fruit, with mostly stalked glandular, a few simple, or rarely bifurcate hairs. Flowers ebracteate; sepals pinkish to violet, somewhat green below, oblong, deciduous, with 7 to 8 veins, 6.5–10.5 x 2–2.7 mm, bifurcate, simple and glandular hairs, with membranous margins, inner sepals strongly saccate; petals obovate to lanceolate, 17–21 x 4–6.5 mm, deep violet, veins conspicuously darker violet; limb oblong to obovate, tapering gradually into the claw, 8–10 mm, ± obtuse, ± horizontal or slightly deflexed; claw 8–11 x 1.6–2 mm, claw clearly exserted above sepal; outer filaments not dilated at base, 3–4 mm, inner filaments dilated at base, 5.8–6.6 mm,± purplish above; anthers all fertile, ± linear, 2.6–3.9 mm, yellowish, basifixed; stigma with 2 obtuse, decurrent carpidial lobes; ovary often with hairs; fruiting pedicels slightly thickened, 0.5–0.8 mm diam.; fruits 40–70 x 1.4– 2 mm, terete, ± indehiscent, ± torulose, slightly curved or straight, pendulous at maturity, completely or at least in lower part pubescent with ± short glandular and sometimes simple and bifurcate hairs, greenish to yellowish, partly or completely purplish green; valves broader than septum; septum membranous only at seed, abundantly developing spongiose matter elsewhere, with visible median veins; seeds light brown, 2.7–3.4 x 1–1.2 mm, 2 to 12 in number.


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