Hesperis balansae

Hesperis balansae

Perennial. Stems 21-35 cm; erect, with adpressed jointed ghindular hairs and simple or furcate eglandular hairs. Lower cauline leaves c. 7 x 0,7 cm, narrowly oblong to lyrate, long-attenuate, margin remotely dentate above, coarsely dentate below; middle and upper cauline leaves oblong or oblong-ovate, subcordate and subamplexicaul, entire to dentate; all leaves with a mixture of jointed glandular hairs. simple and furcate eglandular hairs; midrib broad, white. Pedicels horizontally patent, c. 1,5 mm. Sepals oblong, 7-10 mm. Petals bronzy green or yellowish-brown; claw 11-12 mm; exserted from calyx; lamina elliptic, 12 x4-5 mm. Fruiting pedicels thickened, 5-11 x c. 1,5 mm, straight or slightly curved. Siliquae dehiscent, 2,5-15 cm. torulose, with distinct median vein, and with glandular and eglandular.
1- Siliquae 2,5-6,8 cm; lower cauline leaves narrowly oblong subsp. balansae 
1- Siliquae 6-15 cm; lower cauline leaves Iyrate subsp. mytilensis
The species as recognised here is endemic and an E. Medit. element.
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