Alyssum strictum

Alyssum strictum

Dik kuduzotu

Erect annuals, up to 30 cm. Leaves greenish, increasing in size upwards, lanceolate to oblanceolate. Racemes long, spicate, often circinate when young, ± basally branched, 5-15 cm. Pedicels slender; 2-4 mm, with swollen base, closely adpressed to the axis. Petals obovate, entire, glabrous, 1.5-2mm. Fruit imbricated at maturity, elliptic-obovate, truncate, 3.5-4.5 x 2,5 mm; with an indumentum of stellate hairs with unequal rays; valves unequally inflated, ventral concave, dorsal convex. Styles 0.5-1 mm, with dense, minute, adpressed stellate hairs. Seeds narrowly winged. FI. 4-6. Cultivated land, slopes, 600-2050 m.

S.W. Asia. lr.-Tur. element.

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