Trichodesma incanum
Trichodesma incanum
Perennial herb. Stem procumbent to ascending, 30-55 cm, with numerous subopposite to alternate branches, glabrescent. Leaves 1,6-5 x 0,8-2,5 cm, elliptic to ovate, cordate, sessile, densely greyish-white velutinous to adpressed pilose and puberulous. Calyx 14-16 mm in flower, divided to c. ½ , lobes narrowly triangular, acute; strongly acerescent in fruit to c. 20 x 12 mm with groadly triangular lobes. Corolla pale blue; tube 6-7 mm, lobes 7-9 mm. Nutlets solitary, with broad heart-shaped attachment area, to 10 x 7,5 mm, depressed-ovoid, tuberculate-rugose. Fl. 6-8. Limestone rocks, in gullies on slate screes and igneous hills, 1250-1650 m.
N. Iraq, Iran , Afghanistan, Transcaspia, Turkestan. Ir.-Tur. element.