Myosotis sicula


Myosotis sicula


Annual or biennial to 15 cm, erect to ascending, hairs on whole plant antrorsely adpressed. Basal leaves to 3 x 0,5 cm, spathulate, ± withering at maturity, cauline smaller, ovate-oblong. Inflorescence with flowers ± in two distinct rows, lowermost pedicels longer, upper ones shorter than calyx. Fruiting calyx to 6 mm in fruit, tube more than 2 x as long as lobes. Limb of corolla to 3 mm diam., saucer-shaped, bright blue. Nutlets to 1,2 mm, ellipsoid to ovoid, brown, with spongy tissue at attachment scar. Fl. 5-8. Wet places, s.l.-2350 m. 
S. & W. Europe; local. 
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