Centaurea vanensis

Centaurea vanensis

Van sarıbaşı

Perennial, capitulum solitary, sessile or nearly sessile in a rosette of leaves. Leaves hirsute with septate hairs, petiolate, pinnatipartite with numerous larger and smaller segments, larger pinnatipartite or pinnatilobate, ultimate segments linear, c. 2 mm broad, mostly with undulate margins. Involucre 20-22 x 20-28 mm, nearly globose. Appendages rather large, but concealing only part of the greenish phyllaries, dark brown or blackish, broadly triangular, sometimes slightly decurrent, palmately cilate, cilia 6-11 on each side, 3-5 mm, terminal scarcely longer. Flowers creamy white. Achenes 4-4.5 mm; pappus 1.5-2.5 mm. Fl. 5-6. Stony slopes, steppe, 1750-2750 m.

N.W. Iran. Ir.-Tur. element.

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