Ornithogalum malatyanum

Ornithogalum malatyanum

Yar sasalı

Plant 46-73 cm. Bulbs ovoidglobose, 1.5-2.5 cm in diameter, tunica whitish, papery, without bulblets, scale imbricate. Scape 34-53 cm, glabrous, white. Leaves 5-7, but oft en withered at anthesis, shorter than scape, linear, 28-40 × 0.4-1.0 cm, leaves 2-5.5 mm long hairy, canaliculate, apex obtuse, without white median line, margins hairy. Raceme cylindrical, 12-20 mm, 20-30 fl owered. Pedicel 5-10 mm at anthesis, erect and adpressed to main axis, 10-15 cm in fruit, glabrous. Bracts membranous, 7-18 mm, subulate, equal or longer than pedicel, 0-1 teeth on each side, glabrous. Perianth segments 9-12 × 2.2-4 mm, lanceolate, glabrous, elliptic, apex papillateglandulose, outer surface of tepals with large green fascia, glabrous, inner surface white, glabrous. Androecium 5.5-6 mm, fi laments dilated at base, whitish, anthers 2.2-3.2 mm, medifi xed, yellowishlight green. Gynoecium 6-8 mm, ovarium 2-3.3 mm, style 4-5.3 mm, stigma punctuate. Capsule 7-11 × 5-7 mm, ovoid or globose, erect, unwinged. Seeds black not shiny, angular, alveolate and papillate surface, 1.9-5.2 × 1.2-2.8 mm long. 


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