Allium schubertii

Allium schubertii

Öküz soğanı

Bulb 3-5 cm diam.; outer tunics coriaceous, brown. Stem 30-60 cm, erect, stout, hollow. Leaves 4-8, 5-7 cm broad, flat, lorate-Ianceolate, ± undulate and scabridulous on margin. Spathe persistent, 2-3-lobed. Umbel hemispherical to subglobose, 10-40 cm diam., many-flowered, polygamous. Pedicels purplish, rigid, thickened at apex, very unequal, 3-20 cm; flowers on longest pedicels generally sterile, staminate, usually with reduced ovary, rarely hermaphrodite. Perianth stellate; segments mauve-purple, lanceolate, 7-9 mm, subacute. Filaments mauve; c. 1/2 x perianth segments. Anthers pale yellow. Capsule 6-8 mm; Fl. 3-5. Fields, chiefly on heavy alluvial soil.

Libya , W. Syria. E. Medit. element.

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